Join the Leading Edge of Compassionate Care

Serving as a Caring Pathways veterinarian is a challenging, but ultimately rewarding career choice. Our DVMs perform the important work of providing compassionate end-of-life care for companion animals, while offering support and care to their families as well. Providing seamless service and compassionate care to each client requires a strong, capable team of veterinarians and client relations specialists.
Caring Pathways & Colorado State University
Caring Pathways has a strong relationship with the Veterinary Studies program at Colorado State University. Our founder, Dr. Larry Magnuson, gave a seminar presentation for upcoming graduates in 2019 that focused on end-of-life care as a career pathway in veterinary medicine. Click below to listen to the seminar.

Are You a New Grad Looking for Work?
Are you a new grad looking to get into the rewarding and wonderful world of employment in end of life veterinary care? Our robust training program and supportive team will help propel you into your new career! We have multiple new grads on our team who would love to telll you their expeirence joining Caring Pathways, including in the video below of Dr. Angel Han who shares her journey onto our team as a new grad.
Dr. Angel is a veterinary graduate from CSU and joined our team a few years ago. This is her testimonial on her journey to the end-of-life care career focus. Testimonial video linked below.
Providing seamless service and compassionate care to each client requires a strong, capable team of veterinarians and client relations specialists.